Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Chapter 14 Section 3 - Life in Medieval Japan

During the Middle Ages, religion was an important part of everyday life. Most Japanese believed in Shinto and Buddhism. Shinto was based on the idea of animism, which is the belief that all natural things are alive and have spirits. Buddhism was divided into sects, which included Pure Land Buddhism and Zen Buddhism. Followers of Zen practiced martial arts and meditation. These religions helped to shape Japan's culture by influencing Japanese art, architecture, novels, and plays. Although some Japanese nobles, merchants, and artisans grew wealthy during the shogun period, most people were poor farmers. In Japan's warrior society, upper-class women lost the freedoms they had enjoyed in earlier times.

Online Crossword Puzzle

Vocabulary Flash Cards

Spotlight Video - Chapter 14 Section 3 - Life in Medieval Japan

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