Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Chapter 7 - Section 3 - The Qin and Han Dynasties


The Qin dynasty was ruled by a harsh leader who practiced Legalism. Qin Shihuangdi used force to unify China. Accomplishments of the Qin dynasty include a strong central government, creation of a single form of currency, and the construction of roads and a canal. Despite these advancements, the people of China hated Qin Shihuangdi, and four years after his death, they overthrew the dynasty.
The Han dynasty was founded by Liu Bang. Under the Han dynasty, China's empire grew in size and population. Han inventions included the waterwheel, paper, acupuncture, and the rudder. The invention of the rudder allowed the Chinese to travel to the islands of Southeast Asia and into the Indian Ocean. Chinese merchants also used the Silk Road to transport goods as far as Greece and Rome. After the fall of the Han dynasty, many Chinese began to practice Buddhism to cope with stress and fear.

Textbook Online

Interactive Map - China under the Quin dynasty, 221-207 B.C.E.

Interactive Map - The silk roads, 200 B.C.E.-300 C.E.

Spotlight Video - Chapter 7 - Section 3 - The Qin and Han Dynasties

Flashcards Online

Online Crossword Puzzle

Self-Check Quiz Online

Ancient China - Jeopardy

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