Saturday, May 16, 2015

Chapter 14 Section 1 - Early Japan

Japan is a chain of more than 3,000 islands that are surrounded by the vast Pacific Ocean. Geography isolated the country and shaped the society. Historians believe Japan was settled by people who came from northeast Asia. The Yayoi introduced farming and metalworking to Japan. They were organized into clans and ruled by warriors. A clan called the Yamato grew strong enough to control the entire country. Shotoku, a Yamato prince, created Japan's first constitution and borrowed many ideas from China. Japanese officials began the Taika, dividing the country into provinces. Shotoku's reforms and the Taika created Japan's first strong central government.

Maps in Motion - Geography of Japan

Spotlight Video - Chapter 14 Section 1 - Early Japan

Audio Guided Tour - Early Japan

Know It - Show It ONLINE GAME

Self Check Quiz

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